Vehicle exhaust measuring at garages, auto parks
Early fire detection
Air quality applications: measuring CO concentrations as of odors;
smoke, body odor, or material fumes in cinema/theatre halls,
exhibition halls, restaurants, canteens, shopping malls and conference
rooms etc
Replaceable 20mm Round Type Electrochemical Cell
Estimated operating life 6 years, long term output drift <5% each year
Zero-Span Calibration & Linear output
CO ranges, standard: 50ppm, 100ppm, 200ppm and 300ppm
CO ranges, extended: 100ppm, 300ppm, 500ppm and 1.000ppm
CO output signal 4-20 mA and 0…10 Vdc
Operating voltage 24V AC/DC

Modbus / RS485 port
Relay, 1 or 2 relays, can be set individually
Buzzer, can be set individually
PID, RTC and Datalogger advanced options for special applications